Hembree Genealogy Report

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            Please don't take everything you find in these Genealogy Reports as Fact. I'm trying to make it as accurate as possible with help from viewers like you. I haven't personally researched a lot of this information. Some of the information was already published on the Internet, some of it is the hard work of other researchers, some of it is from viewers to this site, and some of it is from living family members of my branch of this family tree. 


I have left out most of the notes because of limited space on my web site. I can furnish you with any notes I have if you email me. Just let me know who you want notes on. I also left out the source of my information in each individual’s notes. To credit each individual name on this site with a source would take up too much space. So, instead of writing their names several times, I have some of the credits listed below. If you want to know where I got the information on an individual, contact me and I will give you the information if I have it.


     If you have any information that connects to this family tree, please email me at HembreeNews@yahoo.com . You may have additional information I can add to this site. If you notice any errors on this site, please email me so I can correct it.

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 Hembree Genealogy Report.
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Some Sources of Information


  1. Abraham Hembree Data Project by: Larry Petrisky (larry_petrisky@hotmail.com) edited by Joyce Reece (jreece@icx.net). http://www.rootsweb.com/~tnmcmin2/AbrahamHembree.htm
  2. Hembree / Baxter Website http://jfbaxter.tripod.com/baxtertree/fam00641.htm
  3. Information on David is covered in a very well researched book by Mr. Woodrow Wilson. Title of book is (Descendants of David Hembree).
  4. Dorothy Butler Welsh  ddandjr@olp.net
  5. http://www.gencircles.com/users/patmcmllan/1/data/748
  6. Bob Hembree's Newsletters (Roots, Branches & Leaves). http://www.rootsweb.com/~tnmcmin2/RootsBranchesLeaves.htm
  7. Larry Petrisky larry_petrisky@hotmail.com
  8. G. Lee & Binnie Hembree HBq@webtv.net
  9. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/frameset_search.asp
  10.   When I first started my research, I found most of my beginning information at http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/m/a/r/Richard-H-Martin/GENE23-0001.html, I heard that Richard Martin is now deceased, I think one of his relatives has taken over the website now.
  11.  Sandra Hembree Hillman sansassy@aol.com
  12.  Hembree Mailing List HEMBREE-L@rootsweb.com
  13.  The "Old John Hembree" Report by Larry Petrisky http://www.rootsweb.com/~tnmcmin2/johnhem2.htm
  14.  "Dale Standifer" dstandifer@bak.rr.com
  15.  Gen Circles website http://www.gencircles.com
  16.  Utah Rogers urogers@sbcglobal.net
  17.  Ancestry.com  http://ancestry.com/
  18.  Joyce Reece jreece@icx.net
  19.  Leota Bennett  rabit@preferred.com
  20.  Jeanie Monaco nativechicagoan@yahoo.com
  21.  Some info was found in a book on Joel Bird Hembree, loaned to me by Jean & Bill Hembree in July 2004. The book had no title, I don't think it was a published book. I think it was a book put together with information collected on some Hembee's. The book has research done by Dan Hembree (Robert Daniel Hembree b. March 1, 1912, near Petty, TX. d. July 2, 1991. It appears the book was revised by John B.G. Hembree, Jr. of Lexington, Kentucky with the help of his niece Clara A. Hembree Maxcy of West Palm Beach, Florida.
  22.  Sandy Arnold Carr smoochnhugn@yahoo.com   
  23.  "Diane Sanfilippo"  dsanfilippo303@adelphia.net 
  24.  Sue Elving mse@seanet.com
  25.  Family Bible Records Elihu of Minton Hembree and Susan Stigler Family Bible http://www.mindspring.com/~ednab/bibles.html
  26.  GHEMBREE@jam.rr.com
  27.  Amanda Manus  jamm_jar@yahoo.com
  28.  Roger L. Hembree  rogvon@bellsouth.net
  29.  Bill Blenderman TIMEWALKER7@aol.com
  30.  William Blenderman’s Website http://hometown.aol.com/timewalker7/myhomepage/heritage.html
  31.  Dalton Ray Phillips Website http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~rayphill/hembree1.htm
  32.  Phil Stucker tameroa@yahoo.com
  33.  Bill & Jean Hembree jhemb@pocketmail.com
  34.  Chris Vickery  genmail4chris@gmail.com  
  35.  Jo Vickery
  36.  Jane Hembree HembreeNews@yahoo.com
  37.  Lucy Stewart lstewart@mid-cities.com
  38.  Robert W. Turner bturner@ipa.net
  39.  "The Mysterious Death of Edward Hembree" by Larry Petrisky http://www.rootsweb.com/~tnmcmin2/TheMysteriousDeathofEdwardHembree.htm
  40.  David L. Beckwiths Website http://www.smokykin.com/ged/f006/f30/a0063017.htm
  41.  Jim and Patty Hembree, Las Cruces, NM
  42.  Barb Hainz hainz@proaxis.com
  43.  Amanda Manus  jamm_jar@yahoo.com
  44.  Bob Wilson bwilson41@austin.rr.com
  45.  Danny Hembree dannyhembree@afo.net
  46.  Sadie sadie@dnc.net
  47.  Jean Slone Ej31@aol.com
  48.  David Knowles david.knowles@att.net
  49.  The handbook of Texas ONLINE http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/view/BB/fbe20.html
  50.  Debbie Wilson Fehr, Warden1224@aol.com
  51.  Ancestral Findings.com http://www.ancestralfindings.com/  Surname search Hembree.
  52.  Holly (Lemmons) Grimmett. (hollys@tampabay.rr.com).
  53.  James Bradley (J.B.) Hembree
  54.  Jerry Powers jerrypowers@cox.net
  55.  Hamby Website http://www.hambytree.com/index/ind0637.html#I16185
  56.  Claude: CLH19@aol.com 
  57.  Linda Hembree ManoaHI@aol.com
  58.  Mary E. Clanton mclanton@lcii.net
  59. Many others, I will add as I come across their name



A father was approached by his small son, who told  him proudly, "I know what the Bible means!" 

His father smiled and replied, "What do you mean,  you 'know' what the Bible means?"  

The son replied, "I do know!"

"Okay," said his father. "So, Son, What does the Bible mean?"

That's easy, Daddy. It stands for "Basic Information Before Leaving Earth."

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Joyce Gaston Reece
Rootsweb mail list minder:  Gilbreath, Galbreath,  Raper,
Knuckles, TN-Meigs, Southeast, TN., Northeast, TN., Shields,
Hembree, Hemby.
Ancestry Message Board Admin for: Daugherty, Galbreath, Gaston,
Gilbreath, Hembree, Hemby, Knuckles, Raper, Reece,
Shield, Shields & Polk Co., TN.

Subscribe to My

Hembree Newsletter


Hi Everyone,


            I have started a NEW Hembree Newsletter. It’s FREE and hopefully you’ll find it informative and useful.

       I try to send one out at least once a week. More often if I receive information that needs to be passed on right away. I try to keep it short and informative. It contains information on the Hembree's, their spouses and their children.

            I need your help. I'm asking anyone that has information on the Hembree's to please pass it on to me so I can put it in the newsletter.

            Some suggestions for helpful information would be Obituaries, Birth and Wedding announcements, Reunion announcements etc. About anything relating to the Hembree's that you would like to share with others. Also, you can send me queries to put in the Newsletter. It's a great way to get your questions answered. The more subscribers there are, the better chance that you will find someone that has an answer to your question.

            The subscribers might even be interested in some Brief Biographies or Memories of someone you love. You may submit a brief biography or memory on any Hembree, their spouse or their children, Living or deceased. Can you think of anyone that’s been special in your life that you like to Honor them by submitting a brief biography or memory of them? Maybe some memories of a deceased parent, grandparent or other relative.

            I will gladly post any prayer request you have for a family member.  If you have any suggestions on things that the subscribers might be interested in, send me an email to HembreeNews@yahoo.com

            If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, just write the word “subscribe” in the subject line of an email and write your name in the message. Send the email to HembreeNews@yahoo.com


God Bless,

Jane Hembree


          To unsubscribe to this newsletter, just send an email to HembreeNew@yahoo.com with the word “unsubcribe” in the subject line.

            Please go to the HOME page and sign my guestbook


Hembree Newsletter's Volume 2 ($15.00)

(All Of 2004's Newsletters).


 Also includes Bob Hembree's Original Newsletters in PDF format.


 Hembree Newsletter's Volume 1 (2003's Newsletters) on CD, STILL AVAILABLE.

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Hembree Newsletter's Volume 2
All of 2004's Newsletter's on CD

 Also still available: Hembree Newsletter's Volume 1 (2003's Newsletters) on CD.

Also still available
Hembree Newsletter's Volume 1
All of 2003's Newsletter's on CD


Hembree Family Tree (Genealogy Site)